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Virginia G. Piper Center for Personalized Diagnostics
Center for Sustainable Macromolecular Materials and Manufacturing
Award-winning faculty
at the nation’s fastest growing research university
Biodesign has recruited top scientists to join our collaborative research efforts from early stage exploratory research, where the eventual application is uncertain, to mature projects that are ready for clinical trials, development or spinout company launches. As the premier scientific research institute in the nation’s fastest-growing research university, we deliver the future of nature-inspired scientific innovation today for the betterment of human health, community safety and global sustainability. Our experts have been recognized internationally for their contributions to science and continue to foster the next generation of outstanding researchers.
Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine
Awarded to Lee Hartwell
For discovery of genes that control cell division which could be used to prevent, diagnose and treat diseases.
Stockholm Water Prize
Awarded to Bruce Rittmann
For research in environmental biotechnology-based processes for water and wastewater treatments.
Thomas Hunt Morgan Medal
Awarded to Michael Lynch
For his lifetime achievement in genetics and revolutionary work in evolutionary cell biology.
Evolutionary Computation Pioneer
Awarded to Stephanie Forrest
For research in biology and evolutionary computation, which pioneered the field of artificial immune systems.
American Association for the Advancement of Science Fellows
National Academy of Inventors Fellows
National Academy of Inventors Senior members
Behind the research
Collaboration inspires innovation
Breaking boundaries with purpose
At Biodesign, we believe that our best chance of achieving success in health, sustainability and security is by working together. We purposefully blur traditional boundaries to connect physicists, microbiologists, neuroscientists, clinicians and more in order to find effective solutions inspired by nature.