Center for Bioelectronics and Biosensors

Our Centers / Bioelectronics and Biosensors

Developing next-generations sensors

Sensors inside everything from cell phones to self-driving cars may one day analyze your breath for the first signs of disease, identify pollutants in drinking water or safeguard the public by detecting explosives’ trace vapors and chemical signatures. Highly sensitive sensors coupled with exceptional detection and data processing technologies hold the promise to make this possible.

We develop new detection technologies for biomedical and environmental health research, build wireless personal sensors for mobile health applications and explore fundamental natural phenomena at the single-molecule level for next-generation detection technologies.

Person using breath sensor with phone app in background


Profile photo of Josh Hihath

Joshua Hihath, PhD

Josh Hihath’s research focuses on the intersection of biology, chemistry and electronics. His team works to understand and control the interface between molecular and electronic systems to create new generations of electronic and biosensing systems. Integrating these systems will yield new biosensing platforms that can rapidly detect, identify and track a variety of biomarkers, as well as lay a foundation for future generations of electronic systems that are lower energy, made with materials that are easily processed and renewable, and higher performance.  

Meet our center’s experts

Our center is supported by a knowledgeable team of researchers, staff and visionary leaders who are at the leading edge of their fields.


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Support the Biodesign Center for Bioelectronics and Biosensors.

Designing integrated sensor systems with global impact — informing us on human health, ecological pollution and national security.