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Biodesign Europe
A partnership to make discoveries
ready for today
Biodesign Europe combines the strengths of Arizona State University and Dublin City University, two leading institutions striving to make much-needed scientific innovations available to advance society. Inspired by nature’s design, particularly at the intersection of engineering, biology and computing, our scientific discoveries have to make the transition from laboratory inventions to usable technologies from which people and society can benefit.
Technologies need to be resilient, adaptive and deployable. Together, we bring innovative scientific solutions to the marketplace. We work to deliver not only novel ideas, but new solutions that respond to urgent needs, so they can improve human health, community safety and global sustainability.
We work as a team, and our skills support each other. Dublin City University is Ireland’s University of Transformation and Enterprise. It is a leader in progressing key technologies to market. This complements the Biodesign Institute’s burgeoning fundamental research that focuses on solutions to make the overall health of life on Earth better.
1 Health care technology
Innovative therapeutic technologies
2 Sustainable manufacturing
Digital manufacturing systems
3 Biotechnology
Precision treatments for disease
4 Bioanalytical systems
Assays for individualized care
5 Sustainability for health
Green energy and pollution removal
6 Strategic industrial partnerships technology
Commercial engagement with industrial

Executive Director
Nicholas Dunne is internationally known as an authority on biomaterial innovations for tissue repair and replacement. His research lies at the interface of materials science, engineering and biology. Dunne has played a leading role in the development of biomaterials that simulate an efficacious drug delivery or therapeutic response. His work spans fundamental mechanisms at the host-material interface and translational research to target musculoskeletal repair, wound healing and cancer treatment. Dunne not only is an authority in his field, but also is a proven leader in forging over-arching institutional and industrial collaborations that deliver impactful results.