
We leverage success in autism-microbiome, microbiome-metabolism, microbiome-bioremediation, basic and translational research to advance microbial interventions to enhance health.  

Building Biodesign’s capacity, in concert with strong clinical and industrial collaborations, the center also generates discoveries on a wide range of interventions involving nutrition, probiotics and antibiotics. Many of these interventions target gut-brain interactions. Our translational center leads on microbial strategies to better manage obesity, autism and possibly other neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. 

Areas of investigation include:  

  • Microbial ecology.
  • The relationship between human microbiomes and obesity, metabolic disorders and diabetes.
  • Autism spectrum disorder-microbiome connection.
  • Chemical-microbiome interactions, including the effects of antibiotics. 
  • Nutrition, diet and food additives and their interaction with the gut microbiome. 
  • Microbiome-mediated gut-brain interactions. 
  • The interaction of human microbiomes with the environment. 
  • Microbiomes and antibiotic resistance. 

Our capabilities: 

  • Fully equipped microbiology and molecular biology facility for classic microbiology and genomic based analysis of microbial communities. 
  • Fully equipped lab for growth and analysis of anaerobic microbes and microbial communities. 
  • Analytical chemistry facility. 
  • Deep expertise and capacity for bioinformatic analysis of microbial communities through genomic-based methods. 
  • Deep expertise in design and operation of anaerobic bioreactors. 

Our team aims to make discoveries that can improve health.

Industry collaboration and support

Support the Biodesign Center for Health Through Microbiomes

Creating fundamental knowledge for microbe-based health interventions.